A study on the analysis of competitive anxiety factors in wrestlers 인문 · 사회과학편 : 레슬링선수들의 경쟁불안 원인에 관한 연구
34(1) 7-14, 1995
A study on the analysis of competitive anxiety factors in wrestlers 인문 · 사회과학편 : 레슬링선수들의 경쟁불안 원인에 관한 연구
This study was performed to find out the competitive anxiety factors in wrestlers and then to suggest the basic data for the grope of the stress management methods. Subjects were consisted of the 52 college wrestlers.
The results were as follows :
Non elite group showed the highest value of anxiety in relation to loss of confidence, but elite group showed the highest value of anxiety in relation to training state. In comparison between elite and non-elite group, anxiety levels in relation to loss of confidence, failure, expectation, training state showed a significant differences.
Poor career group showed the highest value of anxiety in realtion to stranger mat, high career group showed the highest value of anxiety in relation to judge.
In comparison of career, anxiety levels in relation to loss of confidence, failure, stranger mat, injury, training state showed a significant differences.
In comparison of performance revelation, anxiety levels in relation to expectation, conditioning personality showed a significant differences.
In this results, coaches must try to control about psychological conditioning focus to stress managements for the increase of performance.
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An Examination of the Consciousness of the Korean National Athletes in Hiroshima Asian Games 인문 · 사회과학편 : '94 히로시마 아시안게임 출전 국가대표선수들의 의식조사
34(1) 15-27, 1995
An Examination of the Consciousness of the Korean National Athletes in Hiroshima Asian Games 인문 · 사회과학편 : '94 히로시마 아시안게임 출전 국가대표선수들의 의식조사
The purpose of this survey was to investigate the consciousness and life of Korean national athletes. The subjects were 214 Korean national athletes who were training in Tae Reung Athletes Village for Hiroshima Asian Games. The questionnaire were developed to determine what Korean national athletes perceive about training, economic/financial support, value of medals, life, dopping test, and money rewarding systems. The results of this survey indicated that, the training being conducted was hard, boring, and stereotyped to the subjects. Most subjects hinted the lack of support from KASA, association and other support groups. Subjects showed very positive attitude in their lives and experiences. They also chosed effort as the primary requirement for higher skill performance and athletic achievement, Subjects strongly indicated that they want to have rewarding system for their competitive attitude and skill improvement. More various and interesting results in different areas were provided. The findings might provide some useful information for the effectiveness of management and control of national athletes.
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The artistic Characteristics as Being in Purpose of Sport 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠의 목적속에 들어 있는 예술적 내용
34(1) 28-35, 1995
The artistic Characteristics as Being in Purpose of Sport 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠의 목적속에 들어 있는 예술적 내용
Sport is essentially a technique or discipline, specially a craft in which the objective is winning a contest that has no way of revealing the meaning of a world beyond. But the competitive element in sport has a possibilities enough its aesthetic possibilities.
There are two dimensions to be considered in sport, art, or the aesthetic experience. One perspective is that of the audience and the other is that of the performer.
This paper is more restricted to a performer aesthetic and noticed specially the sensuality of the sport experience.
1. Participation in any sport has the potential for being an intensely beautiful and very satisfying experience.
2. Skill and training play an important role in the experiential aesthetic. No longer struggling to be there at the right time the performer delights in dynamic rhythmic form.
3. The sense of ‘Oneness’ necessary for sensual feelings to occur in sport as an absence of opposition and an achievement harmony. It is not enough to justify existence of sport in any basis other than such sensuality.
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Coach's Leadership Preferences of Athletes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 선수들의 코치리더십 선호도 조사
박정근JeongKeunPark , 이석준SukJoonLee , 김학신HakSinKim
34(1) 36-44, 1995
Coach's Leadership Preferences of Athletes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 선수들의 코치리더십 선호도 조사
박정근JeongKeunPark , 이석준SukJoonLee , 김학신HakSinKim
The specific coaches’s leadership behaviors contribute to the outcomes of athlete satisfaction and superior performance. The purpose of this study was to extend the investigation of preferred coaching behavior, by replicating the Chelladurai and Saleh(1978), Terry(1984), and Terry and Howe(1984) studies. And this study also was to re-evaluate both the situational theory and the path-goal theory in sport setting. Subjects were 113 male and 45 female athletes and the coaching preferences of athletes was measured by the Leadership Scale for Sports(LSS). Dependent variables are five coaching behaviors and independent variabels are sex, age, the type of sport, national team’s experience. Four one-way MANOVAs were computed to establish the main effects for the four independent variables. Also, six two-way MANOVAs were computed to determine the two-way interaction effects. Wilk’s Lambda was used as the multivariate test of significance. Subsequent univariate ANOVAs were used to locate the source of any significance indicated by the Wilk’s Lambda test. Sex was the only independent variable associated with group differences in coaching preference. Neither the age and sport type, nor the national experience were found to influence coaching preferences significantly. Results of a MANOVA revealed that the sex by age, sex by the type of sport, and sex by national team’s experience interactions were significant. Follow-up univariate tests revealed a significant interaction for training and instruction and social support behaviors. The sport related situational theory and the path-goal theory of leadership has not received support from these results.
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An Examination of the Context Interference Effect under Different Motor Skills and Subject Characteristics 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동기술과 학습자특성에 따른 맥락간섭효과 검증
김귀봉GuiBongKim , 임상용SangYoungIm
34(1) 45-62, 1995
An Examination of the Context Interference Effect under Different Motor Skills and Subject Characteristics 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동기술과 학습자특성에 따른 맥락간섭효과 검증
김귀봉GuiBongKim , 임상용SangYoungIm
The purpose of the present study was to determine generalizability of context interference effect by types of task and subject characteristics.
First, types of task are considered in an attempt to address the extent to which different motor skill characteristics interact with the context interference effect.
Second, subject characteristics are considered to address the degree of generalizability of the effect for different individual characteristics.
First of all, this present study was emphasized the role of task and subject characteristics for the context interference effect.
The primary interest in the experiment I was to assess generalizability of context interference effect with pursuit rotor task requiring spatial and motor demands. Subjects were 22 right-hand domint males attending Jeju University and 22 right-hand domint children sungsan elementary school. All subjects were assigned randomly to one of two groups individually.
The purpose of the experiment II was to assess generalizability of context interference effect with the coincident-timing task requiring timming. Subjects of the experiment II were the identical subjects of the experiment I .
Acquisition, retention and transfer data were analyzed separately.
The trials to criterion data were analyzed using a 2(high-context interference group and low-context interference group)×2(adult and children)×4(block) ANOVAs with repeated measures on blocks.
The post hoc comparisons of means were performed on significant ANOVA effect using the Students Newman Keuls(SNK) test.
The results of experiment I were as follows :
First, higher the pursuit performance of rotor task during acquisition phase was found for random context group than for block context group.
Two, pursuit performance of rotor task during retention and transfer phase was not differences.
Three, higher the pursuit performance of rotor task during acquisition, retention and transfer phase was found for adult group than for children group.
Four, pursuit performance of adult in rotor task during acquisition phase revealed not differences as a function of degree of context interference, And higher the pursuit performance of children was found for random context group than for block context group.
Five, the pursuit performance of rotor task during retention and transfer phase was not differences as a function of degree of context interference and subject characteristics.
The results of experiment II were as follows :
First, the performance of coincident-timing task during acquisition, retention and transfer phase was not differences as a function of context interference and subject characteristics.
In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that two major of determinants of contextual interference effect is the nature of task and subject characteristics.
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The Alternative Ways For The Improvement Of College Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학교양체육(大學敎養體育)의 새로운 발전방안(發展方案)
34(1) 63-71, 1995
The Alternative Ways For The Improvement Of College Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학교양체육(大學敎養體育)의 새로운 발전방안(發展方案)
This study was focused on analyzing the reality of cultural physical education and establishing the alternative ways for it’s improvement.
On the basic of the results analyzed the conclusions were drawn as follows:
1. The legal and institutional support for the improvement of cultural physical education should be established.
2. To improve the quality of physical education clase more sporting facilities goods and equipments should be prepased.
3. A new program of cultural physical education should be developed.
4. The quality of the faculties of physical education should be upgraded.
5. The general morale of college physical education should be enhanced.
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A Study on the Signification of the Touhu in Toegye 인문 · 사회과학편 : 퇴계철학에서 투호(投壺)가 갖는 의의
34(1) 72-87, 1995
A Study on the Signification of the Touhu in Toegye 인문 · 사회과학편 : 퇴계철학에서 투호(投壺)가 갖는 의의
What does the fact mean that Toegye had disciples practice the Touhu and performed it himself? What is the value of the play, Touhu? What did Toegye experience with Touhu?
In order to solve out these problems, examining the primary textbooks, such as < Complete work of Toegye > and < Complete work of Dosa >, I described and appreciated the structure and principles of Toegye’s thought. Thereby, implications approach was adoped for the research method, that took the principles out which enables the Touhu to be explained for its distinct aspect of physical activity.
The results are :
1. It has been performed since the days earlier than the unification of Silla and was approved as a mind control rather than a simple play in Chosun dynasty.
2. Toegye kinesthetically experienced unification of the body and mind while performing Touhu. Such a physical experience might also be a thought of piety, which recognize the experience of oneness. “Touhu in a Spirit” which is recorded and described in a diary of Toegye, extremely express his phenomenological experience. The philosophy of Toegye is a thought of piety. Daily living of Toegye is the one experiencing and realizing the piety.
Touhu is a physical activity mastering a strict manner and a standard of human movement. Mental attention to the throwing and putting arrow into the Touhu is considered as the piety itself, which penetrate the movement-stops conceived by Toegye.
3. Touhu was a medium used for bringing up confucianistic virtue of wise, right, manner and wisdom. “Common mind and upright body”, which straighten the attitude of body and ease the mind, is completed by physical activity of Touhu. After observing the other’s virtue with common mind and upright body in order to form his own virtue, he must express the activities of common mind and upright body. These points indicate the significance of Touhu.
4. Touhu for Toegye was a physical activity for the study of piety in an emergency. When performing Touhu, one’s physical recongnition about the devotion of body and mind, attentioning the mental unified, is the piety. It is difficult when one’s mind is moving.
A man’s existence can be recognized as becoming oneness of body and mind together. Through the pleasant play, Touhu, Toegye genialized the minds of himself and his disciples, and enabled them to proceed to the piety.
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A Descriptive Study on Academic Learning Time in Psychomotor Domain at Elementary Physical Education Classes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 심동적 영역의 과제 내용에 따른 국민학교 학습자의 체육실제학습시간 분석
34(1) 88-95, 1995
A Descriptive Study on Academic Learning Time in Psychomotor Domain at Elementary Physical Education Classes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 심동적 영역의 과제 내용에 따른 국민학교 학습자의 체육실제학습시간 분석
The purpose of this study was to describe the Academic Learning Time on Psychomotor domain in Elementary Physical Education Classes at 3 city.
The data for 45 students’ activity time to measure on rythmical ativities, Gymnastics ativities and games of Psychomotor Domain in physical education classes taught by 45 elementary school teachers.
The observation instrument used in this study was based on the standard ALT-PE coding sheet used to supervise at the Ohio State University(Wilkinson & Taggart, 1984).
The instrument was modified by Youn(1991) to reflect major goals of secondary core.
45 teachers and their students behaviors were recorded by observing the target subjects for 5 seconds followed by 5 second for recording the behaviors that best charaterized this period.
All lessons were recorded by two observers using a wireless FM microphone system and video camera. The observers were trained to record teacher behaviors and their student behaviors in the subjects lessons.
The methods used to observe teaching behaviors and learning behaviors were the interval recording system.
Inter-observer agreement was calculated periodically to ensure the reliability of the data obtained.
The data were analyzed by using SPSS/PC, specifically by dealing with mean, standard deviation, and percentage analysis.
On the basis of results analyzed, the conclusions were drawn as follows:
1. The 45 subjects spent on Rhythmical Activity time were 49.4%, Knowledge 22.5%, Waiting 16.1%, Management 4.9%, Transition 5.3%, and Off-task 1.8%.
2. The subjects were spent their class time percentages on Gymnastics of Waiting 46.3%, Activity 17.8%, Knowledge 15.3%, Management 9.5%, Transition 8.1%, and Off-task 3%.
3. The subjects time devoted to game area Waiting time 30.7%, Activity 30.2%, Knowledge 16.4%, Transition 9.5%, Off-task 6.7%, and Management 6.5%.
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A Study on the Marketing Strategy for Bowling Center using the Conjoint Analysis 인문 · 사회과학편 : 컨조인트 분석(Conjoint Analysis)을 통한 볼링장의 마케팅 전략 수립에 관한 연구
34(1) 96-104, 1995
A Study on the Marketing Strategy for Bowling Center using the Conjoint Analysis 인문 · 사회과학편 : 컨조인트 분석(Conjoint Analysis)을 통한 볼링장의 마케팅 전략 수립에 관한 연구
The Purpose of this study is to establish marketing strategy providing the best model for profit-making sport facilities(bowling center) using the conjoint analysis technique. Information on the user groups of over 261 has been collected for: suiting evaluation, attribution importance, ideal combination, and optimal combition.
1. Goodness of Fitting
R-square has been tested to provide the study’s objective. One hundred percent of R=square indication of significant objectivity has been obtained from quadruple of the repeated translation.
Attribution Importance
The attribution value indicated: a the most significant factor is parking space(37.7%). This reflected of the current parking lot problem. b) the center atmosphere(32.0%) has been considered as important as parking space. c) pro-shop(15.6%) and location(14.7%) have been considered as relatively less important.
3. Ideal Combination
In order to determine ideal combination of each value, the translated utility value of independent variables has been obtained from each utility one. Result indicated that the bowling center should be located in residence area and have good light and cheerful condition. It also should have enough parking space and pro-shop in the center.
4. The Optimal Combination
The best model that the user showed preference for reduced 8 matrix has been determined using; the fractional factorial design method. Result indicated that the center should be located in the residence area and have good enough parking space. The center atmosphere also should be cheerful and light. Pro-shop is not a significant factor for the optimal combination. Result of the optimal combination is coincide with that of ideal combination excepting pro-shop value. This means that the optimal combination may used as a good indication of the ideal combination.
Overall, results indicated that the conjoint analysis technique can be used to determine the optimal model for a good marketing strategy. Location, atmosphere, parking lot, and pro-shop are important factors for consumer’s choice of bowling center.
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Effects of Sports Participation on Mental Health of Adult Woman 인문 · 사회과학편 : 성인여성의 스포츠 참여가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
34(1) 105-122, 1995
Effects of Sports Participation on Mental Health of Adult Woman 인문 · 사회과학편 : 성인여성의 스포츠 참여가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is through a regular and voluntary physical activity to reveal the effects of sports participation on mental health of adult woman, based upon the theory of mental health structure:(1) a dependent variable of positive mental health, referring to Self-Esteem(2) a dependent variable of negative mental health, meaning ① Somatiztion: SOM ② Obsessive Compulsive: O-C ③ Interpersonal Sensitivity: I-S ④ Depression: DEP ⑤ Anxiety: ANX ⑥ Hostility: HOS ⑦ Phobic Anxiety: PHOB ⑧ Parnoid Iideation: PAR ⑨ Psychoticism: PSY which are called 9 symptom dimensions or Global Severity Index(GSI) representing them.
By setting; up them as an index of positive and negative mental health, the object of this thesis is to disclose(1) What differences are given to the positive and negative mental health between sports participants and non-participants, and(2) what differences are given to the positive and negative mental health by the composition elements of exercise prescription(for example: Exercise Intensity, Exercise Frequency, Exercise Duration, Exercise Term), and(3) what correlation are there between the positive mental health and negative one of sport participants.
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34(1) 123-131, 1995
The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the limited regulation dealt with applicants having color vision deficiencies for a college entrance exam, who should be restricted to enter the natural science departments in college. The study utilized the questionnaire developed after consultation with three eye specialists, which surveyed the opinions of 120 eye specialists about the current actual conditions related to the discrimination and limitation of the candidates for a college entrance exam. And the study analyzed the limited provisions concerning color vision deficiencies demonstrated from the lists of the entrance requirement for a college from 143 universities and colleges in Korea.
The results of the study were as follows:
1. 127(88.6%) of 143 universities and colleges had the severe regulation in which the applicants having color vision deficiencies were restricted to enter the natural science departments in college.
2. The younger the students` ages were, the better the test of color vision deficiencies for the students in primary schools was.
3. The final diagnosis of color vision deficiencies for the students should be strictly conducted by an eye specialist.
4. In connection with the validity of the discrimination and limited regulation in which the candidates for the college having color vision deficiencies should be restricted to enter the natural science department of college, most of the eye specialists suggested their opinion that they did not judge the color vision deficiencies as an abnormal and inconvenient condition, when they studied in college.
5. The entrance of the applicants having color vision deficiencies should be restricted only in the college of fine arts, with no need of such restriction in all the departments of natural science in colleges.
6. Such cases as traffic and safety accidents due to color vision deficiencies have never occurred in our society yet.
7. There would be the equal opportunities for people who had color vision deficiencies to get the appropriate jobs in our society, compared with normal people.
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A Study on the Effects of plyometric Training in difference of Elastic Impact Resistance Between Strength-Power Shoes and Motor Shoes. 자연과학편 : 스트랭스화(靴)와 운동화(運動靴) 탄성충격저항(彈性衝擊抵抗)에 의한 Plyometric 트레이닝 효과비교(效果比較) 연구(硏究)
A Study on the Effects of plyometric Training in difference of Elastic Impact Resistance Between Strength-Power Shoes and Motor Shoes. 자연과학편 : 스트랭스화(靴)와 운동화(運動靴) 탄성충격저항(彈性衝擊抵抗)에 의한 Plyometric 트레이닝 효과비교(效果比較) 연구(硏究)
It has been generally reported that. the plyometric training with volley-boll shoes(VS)can strengthen the voluntary muscles and improve their stetch reflex and the power in consequence of the connected elastic reflex: it provides an overloaded isometrics exercise which causes muscular stretch reflex in the amortization phase while players are engaging in landing and take-up motion.
It is also generally argued that the plyometrics thaining with strength-power shoes(SPS) can reinforce the strength and power by overloading the muscles in thigh. calf and knee, and Achilles tendon: the strength-power shoes, with wide rubber soles and no heel, can shift and keep the whole body weight onto the front part of the feet. This research was intended to compare the SPS and the VS when they were employed in the plyometrics training by means of elastic impact resistance, and to determine which of the two would be better improve the muscular strength and power of the players. To attain the aim, we selected 24 university students in China, the non-controlled. group with ordinary VS. All the subjects were measured after training for 20 to 30 minutes on every third day for 8 weeks. With other training conditions equal, both groups were assigned with. the gradual loading system of plyometric exercise: that is, with the increasing height of the springboard form 40cm to 50, 60, and 70cm for the subjects to experience the repetitive isometric stress. Every record was measured before and after the test with cross-sectional analysis.
The result of which are as follows.
1. Motor Fitness
The SPS group showed a higher performence rate in motor speed(1), vertical jump(6), and power(1). The improvement rates in the pre-post test of SPS and VS were, respectively, 68% and 5.9%. 16.8% and 10.2%, 17.3% and 15.9%, 21.4% and 15.6%, 22.9% and 21.4%, 22.3% and 17.5% and 23.7% and 17.8%(p<0.01)
In the improvement rate, SPS showed a higher rate(15.7%, 16.3%, 12.6%, 17.2%, 0.1%)than VS, and the level of 5% in vertical jump was statistically significant whole other factors were not.
2. Motor Impact Force
In motor impact force Fz, Fxyz, Fmax, and APT, the recorded performence were similsr, but in the amortization phase, the SPS group recorded a better result. The rates in the pre-post test of SPS and VS were 43.4% and 27.7%, 43.1% and 26.8%, 36.9% and 24.3%, 22.3% and 51% and 12.3 and 12.2 and respectively(p<0.01, p< 0.05).
The differences of the improvement rate between the two groups were measured as 15.7%, 16.3%, 12.6%, 17.2% and 0.1% in favor of the SPS group, but statistically they were insignificant with the level of only 5%. (p >0.05%).
3. Suggestion
Since the SPS group showed a higher performance rate in the gradual plyometrics training for the period of 8 weeks, we are confident that such training method would be very effective for motor speed, power, and impact force. And we sincerely hope that the method we have explored would be adopted as frequently as the explosive jump training which have been so far perferred in training.
Finally we can say with some special emphasis that our exploration can be made into an Super Quality Training program for more effective training in the items which require a high degree of speed and jumping ability such as volley ball, basketball, soccer and hurdle race.
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Comparison on Cardiovascular Enduarance of the Elderly women participated in Swimming Program & Untrained Women 자연과학편 : 수영 프로그램 참여 노인여성과 비운동 여성의 심폐순환기능 비교
최은택EunTaikChoi , 고영완YoungWanKo
34(1) 149-156, 1995
Comparison on Cardiovascular Enduarance of the Elderly women participated in Swimming Program & Untrained Women 자연과학편 : 수영 프로그램 참여 노인여성과 비운동 여성의 심폐순환기능 비교
최은택EunTaikChoi , 고영완YoungWanKo
The purpose of this study was to improve and maintain the health by using swimming program for the elderly & middle-aged females, and to examine the effects of cardiovascular enduarance.
The subjects classified into trained elderly women group(60-65 years, n=8), untrained elderly women group(60-65 years, n=8), trained middle-aged women group(42-48 years, n=8), & untrained middle-aged women group(42-48 years, n=8). In order to measure the responses of cardiovascular enduarance by swimming program during 6 months(3times/week, 50min./day), all subjects of each group were gradually exercised by treadmill until exhaustion and analyzed for HRrest, HRmax, VO₂max, and VEmax.
This data was analyzed by oneway ANOVA among groups & SNK-test between groups.
The results showed that there were significant differences in rest heart rate(p<0.001), HRmax (p<0.001), VO₂max(p<0.001), and VEmax(p<0.00l). [rest heart rate SNK-test: trained elderly women group vs untrained elderly women group, trained middle-aged women group vs untrained middle-aged women group, elderly women group vs middle-aged women. HRmax SNK-test: elderly women group vs middle-aged women. VO₂max SNK-test: trained middle-aged women group vs untrained middle-aged women group, elderly women group vs middle-aged women. and VEmax test trained elderly women group vs untrained elderly women group, trained middle-aged women group vs untrained middle-aged women group, elderly women group vs middle-aged women).
In conclusion, it is showed that the endurance training such as swimming can enhance the cardiovascular endurance of this elderly & middle-aged subjects.
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The Reliability of Distance Running Tests 자연과학편 : 오래달리기 검사(檢査)의 신뢰도(信賴度) 추정(推定)
문현선HyunSunMoon , 강상조SangJoKang , 박영환YoungHwanPark
34(1) 157-168, 1995
The Reliability of Distance Running Tests 자연과학편 : 오래달리기 검사(檢査)의 신뢰도(信賴度) 추정(推定)
문현선HyunSunMoon , 강상조SangJoKang , 박영환YoungHwanPark
The present study was to verify the difference of the test-retest reliability between criterion-referenced standard test and norm referenced standard test applied to the three different long distance running(800m, 1200m, and 1600m) tests by sex and grade. In order to accomplish this purpose, the study selected 208 male and 241 female students in grade 1, 2, and 3 from middle school as subjects. The trial order was based on counterbalanced design. The experimental design of the study was 2 × 3 × 2 × 3(sex × grades × trials × test methods) ANOVA repeated measure design.
The study suggested that long-distance running test was reliable subtest for evaluating students` physical fitness. The results were as follows :
1. Long-distance running test was more suitable measure for the men than the women, and for the high grade than the low grade in terms of norm referenced standards but long-distance running test was not suitable measure for the both sex in terms of criterion-referenced standards, therefore this study was ahead of investigating more validity on long-distance running tests related to establishment of cutoff score.
2. 1600m run was the most reliable test for evaluating physical fitness among long-distance running test(800m, 1200m and 1600m) regardless sex and grade. In the case of grade 3,800m run was the highest coefficient among 800m, 1200m, and 1600m in the reliablity of norm-referenced standards but there was not statistically significant difference among 800m, 1200m and 1600m run. It was concluded that 1600m run was utilized as the most reliable test for evaluating; physical fitness in middle school.
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Establishment of Optimum Exercise Intensity, Prediction & Trend Analysis for the Stepping Exercise of the Overweight & Underweight at Twenties Males 자연과학편 : 과체중과 과소체중 20대 남성들의 최대하 Stepping 운동을 통한 적정 운동강도 기준치 설정과 예측 및 경향분석
34(1) 169-181, 1995
Establishment of Optimum Exercise Intensity, Prediction & Trend Analysis for the Stepping Exercise of the Overweight & Underweight at Twenties Males 자연과학편 : 과체중과 과소체중 20대 남성들의 최대하 Stepping 운동을 통한 적정 운동강도 기준치 설정과 예측 및 경향분석
The purpose of this study was to establish the optimum step height of total and submaximal heart rate by each step height of stepping, and predict relationship between step heights and total heart rate, step heights and submaximal heart rate of overweight and underweight groups. The subjects classified into overweight & underweight stepping exercise group by body mass index (overweight group(n=21): BMI<25-30㎏/㎡, underweight group(n=21) : BMI<20㎏/㎡). In order to determine the accurate cardio-respiratory response to stepping exercise of the total & submaximal heart rate response curves of each subjects by step height(30cm, 35cm, 40cm, 45cm, 50cm, 55cm, 60cm), the intensity of each step height were evaluated for 5 min. (one step of “up-up” and “down-down”: 1times /2sec, 150 steps for 5min).
In order to find out the most appropriate stepping exercise prescription intensity, each submaximal stepping exercise was consecuted by overwight & underweight subjects for five minutes at each of seven different step heights Also, % heart rates of overwight & underweight subjects were calculated at maxmial heart rate(220-subjects ages)/submaximal heart rate for 5min, at each stepping exercise height.
The order of step heights was randomized by using a balanced Latin Square. Twoway ANOVA with repeated measures by step height between overwight & underweight groups, T-test between each step heights, oneway ANOVA by step heights within each group, student newman keuls test, trend analysis, and simple regression analysis with overwight & underweight groups between step heights & total heart rate, step heights and submaxmal heart rate were used to detect statistical differences.
1. Prediction among step heights & total exercise intensity, step heights & submaximal exercise intensity and
1) Overweight group : (1)HRsubmax.=76.31+1.83·Heights(R²=0.80) (2)Total HR=80.33+1.36·Heights(R²=0.97)
2) Underweight group: (1)HRsubmax.=72.79+1.32·Heights(R²=0.37) (2)Total HR=63.97+1.21·Heights(R²=0.89)
2. Changes of total & submaximal exercise intensity among each stepping exercise heights
1) The total & submaximal exercise intensity resulted from increase & decrease state of exercise intensity by higher & lower step heights within overwight & underweight groups.
2) The total & submaximal exercise intensity of overwight group between each step height was higher than that of underweight group.
3) Trend analysis of overweight & underweight groups was changed linearly with increasement of total & submaximal exercise intensity by step heights.
In conclusion, the stepping exercise using optimum step heights in aerobic exercise ability can be used efficient exercise intensity at overweight & underweight males, and offered diagnostical data for aerobic fitness.
Key Words
The Effect of Sport Drink on Heart rate and Lactate after Exercise 자연과학편 : 스포츠음료 섭취가 최대운동후 젖산 및 심박수 변화에 미치는 영향
34(1) 182-191, 1995
The Effect of Sport Drink on Heart rate and Lactate after Exercise 자연과학편 : 스포츠음료 섭취가 최대운동후 젖산 및 심박수 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sport drinks on lactate and heart rate during recovery phase. The subjects were twelve male students enrolled on the Department of Physical Education at I University. The subjects were given an explanation of all laboratory procedures before giving their informed consent. They were randomly assigned to either three experimental groups(P-dring, G-drink, A-dring) or control group(spring water, Placebo).
After each drink, the subjects were taken a rest for 20minites, they performed the gradual increased Exercise test on treadmill by Bruce Program. Heart Rates were measured by heart checker system during pre-exercise and post-exercise after 0, 3, 5, 10, 20 minites, and lactate concentration was analyzed by lactate analyzer(YSL 2300L). The blood samples were obtained from Finger Tip Method. Analysis of variance was used to determine difference between the control group and the experimental groups by SAS Package.
The results of the study were as follows :
1. The heart rate was not shown a significant difference among the groups after exercise.
2. After exercise, blood lactate concentration was shown a significant difference among the groups.
3. During recovery blood lactate concentration did not show the significant difference among sport drink groups but did show a significant difference between the experimental group and control group.
Key Words
The Prediction of the Quardruple Backward Somersault as a Dismounting Technique on the Horizontal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉에서 네바퀴 뒤돌아 내리기 기술의 가능성 진단
34(1) 192-206, 1995
The Prediction of the Quardruple Backward Somersault as a Dismounting Technique on the Horizontal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉에서 네바퀴 뒤돌아 내리기 기술의 가능성 진단
The purpose of this study was to predict the possibility of the quardruple backward somersault (QBS) as a dismount technique on the horizontal bar and, if possible, to suggest what should be stressed on to perform QBS.
Five TBS(triple backward somersault in tuck position)and DBS(double backward somersault in layout position), five OHGS(one hand giant swing), and seen DGS(dismounting giant swing) were recorded during the 1990 United State Gymnastics Federation Championships with a NAC 400 HSV camera operating at 100 ㎐. They were analized utilizing an Arial Performance Analysis System(APAS).
Two-demensinal position data of ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and hand were digitized and smoothed by the digital filtering method with 7-10 HZ. The Demster, s anthropometric data was used to calculate COG and angular momentum. All the kinematic and kinetic variables which were supposed to be influenced by the subject, physical characteristic were normalized by his height and weight.
Based on the result of this study, it was concluded that:
1. It showed that the maximum flight time of COG was estimated up to 2.069 seconds.
The maximum flight time of COG in TBS was 1.46 seconds, and the net force. acting on the hand at OHGS was 2891N(4.5BW). The maximum release velocity and height of COG were anticipated 9.19m/s and 1.97m respectively.
2. It appeared that the minimum rotation time to performe QBS was 1.50 second.
The minimum rotation time and total angular momentum of TBS were 1.33sec and 0.393/sec. The trunk+head took the greatest role(80%) to produce the total angular momentum at release
3. It showed that QBS was able to be performed once release velocity of COG increased up to 7.45m/s. This was higher by 7.5% than 6.93m/s which appeared in TBS.
The effort should be, therefore, stressed on increasing the release velocity of COG through the beating action, while redusing the rotation time at the last phase of the fourth revolution in QBS.
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Analysis of Areas and Distances Where Rebound Balls Fall in Basketball Shooting 자연과학편 : 농구에서 슛 지점에 따른 리바운드 볼의 낙하 지역 및 거리 분석
34(1) 207-217, 1995
Analysis of Areas and Distances Where Rebound Balls Fall in Basketball Shooting 자연과학편 : 농구에서 슛 지점에 따른 리바운드 볼의 낙하 지역 및 거리 분석
This research is intended to study how rebound balls tend to fall in basketball games, in terms of the frequencies at which rebounds could fall in different regions, with a view to helping basketball players with their efforts to maximize their rebound catches in games.
In modern basketball, winning a game depends largely on how much more rebounds a team can catch than its opponent team. Therefore, it would be very useful for basketball players and coaches to know where rebound balls shot from different positions tend to fall more frequently or less, as the team could thereby have better chances to catch rebound balls in games. This is particularly important to Korean basketball teams which must often have games with foreign teams composed of players of much higher stature.
For the purpose of this study, 65 players were selected from three different men`s basketball teams in Korea and the rebounds from their shots made from various different positions were analyzed.
Each player made 100 shots each from 5 different positions which were located at five different directions(A, B, C, D, E) from the basket. As a result, a total of 32,500 shots were made by the 65 players and of these 15,274 shots rebounded and fell on various different areas(a, b, c, d). Major findings from the rebound tests are summarized as follows:
1. The rebound balls shot from Direction A fell most frequently in Area d(44.8%) followed by Area a(24.7%).
2. The rebound balls shot from Direction B fell most frequently in Area d(39.1%) followed by Area a(22.1%).
3. The rebound balls shot from Direction C fell in each area at similar frequencies.
4. The rebound balls shot from Direction D fell most frequently in Area a(41.6%) followed by Area d(22.7%).
5. The rebound balls shot from Direction E fell most frequently in Area a(47.8%) followed by Area d(24.6%).
6. A majority of rebound balls(81.8%) fell in the areas within 3.5m from the basket.
7. Rebound balls tended to fall in the areas a(31.4%) and d(30.8%) more than any other areas.
8. Rebound balls tended to fall more often in the areas close to the shooting points.
9. Rebound balls tended to fall more often in the areas opposite to the shooting points.
The above results showed that in most cases(except for shots from Direction C) rebound balls fall in a specific area much more frequently than other areas, depending on the shooting positions. It may, therefore, be possible for a basketball team to catch more rebound balls if it could locate its rebound catcher(s) in right positions for every shot, taking account of the relative probability that the rebound may fall in an area, as seen above.
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A Study on the Electromechanical Delay during Maximal Isometric Contraction in Upper Arm 자연과학편 : 상완의 최대 등척성 수축시 전기역학적 지연에 관한 연구
김태영TaeYoungKim , 손태열TaeYoulSon , 최성근SungKunChoi
34(1) 218-225, 1995
A Study on the Electromechanical Delay during Maximal Isometric Contraction in Upper Arm 자연과학편 : 상완의 최대 등척성 수축시 전기역학적 지연에 관한 연구
김태영TaeYoungKim , 손태열TaeYoulSon , 최성근SungKunChoi
The purpose of this study was to examine the variation of Electromechanical delay(EMD) and muscle strength with joint angles(70, 90, 120 degree) during maximal isometric contraction(flextion and extension), and to investigate the difference of EMD values in the trained and untrained groups.
The results would be summarized as follows:
1. The EMD values with joint angle during maximal isometric contraction was not significantly different both in the trained and untrained groups. In the trained group, the EMD values was increased in accordance with the increased of joint angle, but it was decreased in accordance with the increased of joint angle in the untrained group.
2. Except for extension during isometric contraction in the untrained group, the muscle strengths was significantly increased in accordance with the joint angle development in the trained and untrained groups(P<0.05).
3. The EMD values was significantly different during maximal isometic contraction in the trained and untrained groups(P<0.001).
In conclusion, the EMD values may be decrease through the muscle strength training, and the results of EMD differences with joint angle should be consider the electrode location, subject`s position and experimental condition during maximal isometric contraction.
Key Words
EMD, Isometric contraction
Nomograms for calculation of VO2 max among the korean 자연과학편 : 한국인의 최대산소섭취량 추정을 위한 노모그램 고안
The purpose of this study is to develop the nomograms for calculation of VO₂ max among Korean. 732 men and women, 14∼60 years of age were performed. VO₂max(r=.83), VE(r=,86), HR max(r=.85), and VCO₂(r=.88) with duration of exercise were significant(p<0.01). The HR and VO₂ values among the physiological variables observed by the test protocols were inputted into AUTO CAD(Computed Aided Design)p/g(Auto Deskjet Co, Release 12, USA), and constructed the nomograms for men arid women by aiding moniter 20 inch. The equations of multiple regression obtained by experiments are as follows,
men: men; Y(VO₂max)=3.5589+0.6602×VO₂-0.0118×HR
women: Y(VO₂max)=2.8266+0.6602×VO₂-0.0118×HR
Percent deviations between directly measured VO₂max and the VO₂max indirectly predicted by nomograms of this study were appeared on the male 9.5% and female 12.3%, respectively. When comparing nomograms of this study with Astrand and Rhyming’s nomogram to real VO₂max values of another subjects(men 34, women 48), each deviations(%) among nomograms were presented 11.5%, for the male subjects between 12.0% in this nomogram and 23.5% in Astrand & Ryhming’s nomogram, and 13.6% for the women, between our nomogram value(11.4%) and Astrand & Rhyming’s nomogram value(25%). we recognized that the reasons for such a difference among nomograms were based on result from experimental conditions; (1) with healthy subjects 18∼30 yeare of age, (2) under submaximal tests, and (3) by using ergometer, in the case of Astrand & Ryhming’s study, whereas the subjects of this study ranged from 16 to 65 years of age and performed maximal exercise tests by using treadmill. In conclusion, we consider that it is more effective and reasonable for Korean people to predict and apply indirectly VO₂max by the nomograms of this study than Astrand & Ryhming’ nomogram.